Active working papers
“Taxing the Wealth of the Poor: Evidence from the Danish Old-Age Support Asset Test“ (November 2024)
(with Johan Sæverud, Emmanuel Saez)
Conditional Accept at American Economic Review: Insights
“Taxing Capital in a Globalized World: The Effects of Automatic Information Exchange“ (July 2024)
(with Hjalte Boas, Claus Kreiner, Lauge Larsen, Gabriel Zucman)
“Disaggregated Economic Accounts“
(with Asger Andersen, Emil Toft Hansen, Kilian Huber and Ludwig Straub)
Revise and Resubmit at Quarterly Journal of Economics
“Is the Bar Higher for Female Scholars: Evidence from Career Steps in Economics” (March 2024)
(with Simon Muchardt)
“Homes Incorporated: Offshore Ownership of Real Estate in the U.K.” (December 2022)
(with Jakob Miethe and Daniel Weishaar)
“Household Leverage and Mental Health Fragility” (November 2022)
(with Asger Andersen, Rajkamal Iyer, Mia Jørgensen and José-Luis Peydró)
“Bailing out the Kids: New Evidence on Informal Insurance from 1 Billion Bank Transfers” (June 2020)
(with Asger Lau Andersen and Adam Sheridan)
[economist] [guardian]
Surveys and policy papers
“Offshore tax evasion in developing countries: Evidence and Policy Discussion“
Paper based on keynote lecture at UNU-WIDER conference on revenue mobilization in developing countries
WIDER Working Paper 2024/15
“Tax evasion through offshore accounts: a review of the evidence and questions for future research” [ES] [CA]
Contribution to IEB Report 4/2018: “The present and future of tax havens”
“Capital flight and development: An overview of concepts, methods, and data sources“
(with Jukka Pirttilä)
WIDER Working Paper 2016/95